Tuesday, September 1, 2009

If I Were A Child...

I fell in love with photography during my second year at the gymnasium, I took a course which taught me all the basics. So when I got to my last year I chose the second course which to me wa a very good decision since I've improved my skills a lot!

The great thing about this course was that we got different assignments, it was kind of like Project Runway for photographers! One of these assignments was to pretend to be someone else in a mall, I chose to be a child walking in a toy store...so that's why everything is from a different angle..

1 comment:

  1. You made a great choice ;)
    Det var samma for mig. Jag var smatt intresserad av foto innan, men nar jag gick foto A sa vaxte intresset enormt. Nu fotar jag sa fort jag har kamera och tid :) men har fortfarande mkt att lara mig. Mina foton ar inte bra, annu. vi far se hur langt jag kommer med foto ;) kramar Nedy
